Saturday, July 28, 2012

Jo's additional resources

Child Trends

National Center for Children in Poverty
Cooper, J.L., Masi, R., Vick, Jessica. (2009, August). Social-emotional development in early childhood. What every policymaker should know. Retreived July 28, 2012 from

Tulane Institute of Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health


  1. Hey MaryJo,
    I really enjoyed your additional resources. My favorite was the National Center for Children in Poverty. I think this is a great resource that everyone in the early childhood field should read. I especially liked the table of evidence-based prevention suggestions. I feel that this table will come in hand a lot.

  2. My first time ever visiting Child Trends. It has a lot of information issues that affect children and their families. I especially liked the research area on child poverty, and fatherhood and its importance on child development.

  3. MaryJo,
    I too found your resources to he helpful especially the National Center for Children in Poverty. Primarily because of the demographic I facilitate.The research is quite impressive and very necessary.
