Saturday, January 12, 2013

Early Childhood Organization

I have received updates from the Children's Defense Fund for years now and I do not remember how I ever signed up for this. However, I was not signed up for the newsletter from the President of the organization, Marian Wright Edelman. She is a phonomenal speaker and writer. In the past I have gone to You tube and watched some of her speeches and love listening to her speak. For this class, I signed up for the newsletter, Child Watch column that she writes. I received my first newsletter this morning in which she speaks about gun control and the recent tragedy in Newtown. Her writing is very touching and there was one paragraph in particular that I chose to share.

President Obama, in his moving remarks at the Sandy Hook interfaith prayer vigil at Newtown High School December 16, 2012, got it right when he said: “Caring for our children. It’s our first job. If we don’t get that right, we don’t get anything right. That’s how, as a society, we will be judged.” And we will not pass the test of the God of the prophets or New Testament or all great faiths if we do not protect all of our sacred children against repeated and preventable gun deaths and injuries. Every child has a right to live and to dream and to strive for a future that is not destroyed in a second because we cowered before a special interest lobby and refused to protect them.

This is just one example of how this organization works passionately for the rights of all children and for causes taking place in society. I know there are many organizations that work in defense of children but this one has resonated with me and has touched my life for many years.


  1. Mary, I aenjoyed reading your post. I also agree that we will not pass the test of God if we do not protect our children from so many gun deaths. The Children Defense Fund is a great advocacy group that helps children ensure a successful and healthy start in life and their motto means what it says.

  2. great post, and thank you for sharing the quote as well. He's statement has only helped me to stay focused on what I do and why I work for children. Children are innocent and cannot not speak out for themselves, and we as professionals are here to be the voices for young children. This organization sounds great and it seems as though they are passionate about the well being of children as well.
