Saturday, March 23, 2013

Positive research

Whenever I think of positive research, I cannot help but think of St. Jude's Hospital for children. I have donated to this hospital and even did a fundraiser for years at my child care center. Everyone at the hospital is so appreciative of any amount of money we were able to raise at my small center.

Unfortunately I have known quite a few children who have gone to this hospital for various kinds of cancer. I went to to look up more details. They do many studies and scientific studies comparing genes of healthy children and those children with cancer. Currently they are working on the Pediatric Cancer Genome Project. The scientists are discovering gene mutations linked to childhood cancers.

Over the years, the results of this research has helped treat children and save lives. Children are treated regardless of the income of the family. In this particular situation there are not many options for parents when they find out they have a child with cancer. Most parents I know have been happy to be part of clinical trials if it may help their child as well as others. The only other option in the case with cancer is death. As stated on the website, "Using clinical trials and medical research, tremendous advances have been made in the treatment of childhood cancer." (St. Jude, 2013)

St. Jude has a bench-to-bedside approach to treatment so that children can benefit from the latest research. "St. Jude’s major treatment programs are so successful because the physicians and basic scientists in our laboratories work closely together and rapidly introduce promising therapies to the clinical setting."(St. Jude, 2013)

I cannot think of any more positive research than St. Jude Hospital and the tremendous work they do in saving children's lives.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Personal Research Journey

For my research topic I chose psychological abuse. This term can come under many other titles such as emotional abuse or verbal abuse. Any term chosen has the same end result in the harm done on children. Parents and families have the most influence on children when they are young. They look at themselves and develop pride and self-esteem based on how their family views them. When children are humiliated, criticized, and spoken harshly to on a regular basis, they will begin to feel as though there is something wrong with them. Over the years these constant feelings of inadequacy lead to a low self-esteem and emotional issues.

I was the last of four girls in my family and was born much later than the rest of my siblings. My parents often criticized me for being different, humiliated me for things that I was not good at, and allowed my siblings to do the same. I am in no way asking for pity. I am a grown woman and have taken charge of my own life. I think the reason there is not much information on this topic is because it can be hidden, as in my case, behind a nice house, middle income, and material possessions. I would like to dig deeper and expose the harm this kind of abuse can do to a child.

This research class as a whole is hard for me to wrap my head around. In previous courses, I could talk about early childhood and be able to grasp new concepts based on my background knowledge. However, I am afraid that I can be of no help to anyone in this class. This is my first research class and I have no previous experience in research.

Does anyone have any suggestions in beginning research or any hints on how to make it less overwhelming? I am ready to listen to advice.

Friday, March 1, 2013

WK 8 Final Blog

I have had wonderful interactions with my international contact from South Africa. As a result of these conversations, I have come to some conclusions.

1. The early childhood field is struggling to get the respect it deserves internationally.
2. As here in the United States, there are many inequities in the early childhood field in other countries also.
3. The challenges of poverty, illness, and primitive living environments are much greater internationally than in the United States.

The issues and trends we consider problems in the United States are much greater internationally. My contact described the future as hopeless for some children of South Africa.

Having contact with someone in South Africa made my passion for unfortunate children more personal. When she spoke about the children in South Africa, their situations seemed more real than reading about them in an article or book. The last thing that my contact spoke about was her passion in spreading the word about early childhood internationally. I decided to make my goal relevant to her wishes.

I will join an advocacy group that spreads the word about international issues and trends in the early childhood field.