Friday, March 1, 2013

WK 8 Final Blog

I have had wonderful interactions with my international contact from South Africa. As a result of these conversations, I have come to some conclusions.

1. The early childhood field is struggling to get the respect it deserves internationally.
2. As here in the United States, there are many inequities in the early childhood field in other countries also.
3. The challenges of poverty, illness, and primitive living environments are much greater internationally than in the United States.

The issues and trends we consider problems in the United States are much greater internationally. My contact described the future as hopeless for some children of South Africa.

Having contact with someone in South Africa made my passion for unfortunate children more personal. When she spoke about the children in South Africa, their situations seemed more real than reading about them in an article or book. The last thing that my contact spoke about was her passion in spreading the word about early childhood internationally. I decided to make my goal relevant to her wishes.

I will join an advocacy group that spreads the word about international issues and trends in the early childhood field.


  1. Mary Jo,
    It has been great reading your post for the last eight weeks. It amazes me how so many of us feel the same way with early childhood development and wanting the best for children all around the world. Best of luck and I hope to continue reading other blogs you post.

  2. It really is sad to realize that children are the least fortunate all over the world. You would think something as simple as going to school would be the easiest thing for a child to do. And yet, we have learned it can certainly be the most difficult achievement of their entire lives.
    As usual, I have enjoyed reading your blog this course.

  3. We need the right voices to speak out and to be heard in regards to children. Our young children are innocent in the situation; however, are suffering the most. It is sad that your international contact feels as though the future is hopeless for some children of South Africa. This speaks great volume on the efforts and attempts that are(not) being implemented and acted upon to save the lives of young children.

  4. I really enjoyed reading your post these eight weeks. I was glad you had great interaction with your international contact and was able to share her thoughts. Let's continue to maintain focus on improving the education of our young children. Good luck in your next class!


  5. I have indeed enjoyed reading your posts and interacting with you. It is interesting to know that they feeling internationally educators don't receive the proper repspect as does educators in these United States. I find it very tragic that those that teach and train others to be great are often not thought of at all. May you prosper and continue to strive to be the best teacher you can be.
