Saturday, February 23, 2013

WK 7 International Contacts - Professionalism

My South African contact has been an inspiration to me and has been so enthusiastic about responding to my request. This week I asked her to tell me about professional development in South Africa as well as professional goals for herself.  Instead of trying to repeat her words, I have posted her response below.

I am busy with my Masters in Early childhood education and one of my goals is to get the Doctorate in Early. Childhood Education. I am convinced that indicators of possible learning difficulties can be identified in young children and through perceptual exercises and other interventions can be prevented!!!! My dream is to train teachers in this highly specialised skill. With a doctorate in Education, I would have the credibility to lecture internationally in my spare time (holidays).
I am in my deam job and would not relinquish my work with dyslexics easily!! I work with dedicated, knowledgeable colleagues iin a caring, empathetic environment and I am constantly inspired. AND I am learning much from the wonderful children. MaryJo, there is no feeling in the world like seeing a young child succeed. Believe me!!

Finally, your initiative in e-mailing me has re-ignited my heartfelt desire to promote the Early Childhood cause internationally.

In terms of professional development she says they have some part time courses in early childhood at  South African universities that people travel from Sudan to take. For the most part, professional development is poor.


  1. Its nice to read how others around the world feel that way we do about early childhood and the feeling it gives us all when we watch a child accomplish what they are learning.

  2. I can certainly see how your international contact has been such an inspiration! Her passion for education radiates through her discussion. It is encouraging to see such motivaed and self-driven educators in developing parts of our world; where we need them most!


  3. Jo, it’s good you are able to keep contact with your international contact, she's really an inspiration. Its does all the good working with dedicated and knowledgeable colleagues, in a wonderful environment. We want to see our children succeed, but let us not forget about educating the families also, about the benefits of these high quality education programs that aid our young children. Good post!

  4. It is evident that your international contact is very passionate about what she does professionally. I agree, to witness a child's success is the best part of working with young children. Many children are facing adversity and hardship, and to see a child become resilient and not a victim in their situation is a feeling many cannot explain. Believe it or not children remember those who contributed to their success. I am pleased to say that I am motivated to make small contributions today that will benefit a child tomorrow.
