Saturday, September 15, 2012


Most people think they know the meaning of malnutrition, at least I thought I did. However many times malnutrition is generalize as people going hungry. Malnutrition is a result of not enough calories especially from proteins. Many problems occur from malnutrition besides the obvious. Children's brains may not develop normally if deprived of good nutrition. Their immune system is compromised which makes them more susceptible to diseases while many diseases are a result of malnutrition.

I chose to discuss this topic because I have always been a fanatic about my children getting adequate food and rest. I still check on my grown son who is working on his PhD and ask him if he is eating well and not skipping meals. He is in another state from me so I don't have to see him rolling his eyes at me but I can hear it in his voice, "Mom, really, I'm fine." I cannot imagine the feelings of mothers who's children are wasting away due to malnutrition and they know no way of stopping it. I can't imagine watching my child crying in pain because they are so hungry or because they are in pain due to a disease.

I did some research on the country of Haiti that has been plagued by malnutrition as well as devastating storms and earthquakes. UNICEF has done amazing work in helping the people of Haiti especially mothers, infants, and young children. After the earthquake in 2010, They provided education programs for mothers on the benefits of breastfeeding. They provide supplements of micronutrients such as iron, folic acid and vitamin A. UNICEF reports that in 2005 1 of 10 children under 5 in Haiti were malnourished and one fourth of babies were born LBW. Now in 2012 severe malnutrition has decreased from 4% to 1% and underweight children decreased from 18% to 10.6%.
Food for the Poor - this organization has many projects that work to help the plight of the Haitian people. Some of the programs include work on home, schools, orphanages and feeding programs. Food is also distributed to other organizations to help with their local feeding programs. I have contributed to this program for years through my church and feel confident in the work they do. Everyone should consider giving something to one of these organizations to help alleviate the plight of these children in Haiti. It doesn't take much money to save a child from malnutrition.


  1. Hi Mary Jo,
    Being malnourished is also a form of malnutrition. Many children eat the wrong kinds of food or don't get enough nutrients and vitamins from the correct food. Often this results in that bloated belly you see not just on starving children, but children who are otherwise healthy and developing. As a nation we still have a long way to go in educating the public about healthful food choices and providing produce and vegetables in areas that are not in proximity to fresh markets and grocery stores with fresh produce.
    Like you, I still fuss at my 20'somethings about proper eating. And they have picked up terrible eating habits that they did not have as children. But, they're grown and they don't want to hear it. But, mom is still going to nag!

  2. Hi Mary Jo,

    You have made great points about malnutrition. Specially by demystifying the generalized definition of it.
    I also can’t imagine how appalling it must be to see a child suffering from starvation and wasting away. This used to happen in the very poor areas of my country many decades ago. Thank God we developed from this godforsaken scenario, and we are making constant progress with regard to public health measures.
    I have enjoyed reading your post! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  3. Hello Mary Jo,
    I think this information would be cold water into my face. I need to admit that, as many Americans, my family is not doing quite healthy at all. It is a great fight I need to win is I want to see my grandkids. I loved the way you clarified the definition of malnutrition, and all the possibles way we could fail in that. Because children are developing, they are the ones that is crucial they get a healthy and nutritious food. I think we should do better here in the USA, and the fast food restaurants should be offering more healthy food than unhealthy. I am also glad for organizations such as UNICEF and campaigns to collect food for the poors. Thank you for sharing!
